2009年8月26日 星期三




Hair washing is simple; washing the hair will make him/her feel comfortable for a long time! 洗頭,一點也不難,為他洗個頭,會讓他舒服好一陣子喔!
If he/she can get off the bed, please wash his/her hair in the bathroom once or twice weekly.如果他可以下床,請每週到浴室洗頭一至二次
If he/she is inconvenient to get off the bed, then wash his/her hair in bed but you need to prepare the following items: Two buckets (for holding clean and dirty water separately),a pail, big towel, big plastic bag or hair washing cushion, shampoo, comb and a hair dryer, don`t forget to test the water temperature with the back of your hand first!如果他不方便下床,則床上洗頭您需準備下列用物:兩個水桶(分別裝清水與髒水)、水瓢、大毛巾、大型塑膠袋或洗頭墊、洗髮精、梳子、吹風機,裝水前別忘了先用手背測試水溫喔!
●Get ready with a hair washing cushion or a self-made hair washing pillow (roll up the towel in a cylindrical form→place it underneath the big plastic bag→shape it like a horseshoe and station it with adhesive tape).備好洗頭墊或自製洗頭槽(大毛巾捲成長筒狀→放入大塑膠袋底部→做成馬蹄型以膠帶固定)
●Lay him/her down, shift his/her head to the bed edge→place the hair washing cushion (or pillow) under the neck, and place the bucket on the floor directly underneath the head.助他平躺,頭移到床沿→洗頭墊(槽)放在頭頸部,其下擺放在預裝髒水的桶中
●Scrub and scratch the hair with shampoo and ease the itches, and then wash the shampoo off with clean water, you may repeat the procedure till the hair is clean, and be careful to avoid water and foam from getting into the eyes and ears.以洗髮精搓洗頭髮,抓抓癢,再以清水沖洗,可重覆此步驟直到乾淨為止,注意水或泡沫勿跑到眼睛及耳朵
●Wrap around the hair with a dry towel, tidy up the place, prepare a comfortable bed, and take out the big towel in the plastic bag to rub the hair dry, or dry the hair with a hair dryer, and finally comb the hair neatly.以乾毛巾包裏頭髮,移去用物,安排好舒適臥位後,再取出塑膠袋中的大毛巾來擦乾頭髮,也可以使用吹風機將頭髮吹乾,之後梳理整齊即可
Now see if he/she is in high spirit! Don’t forget to give yourself a big cheer too!

